100% ecological, vegan and ethical clothing

Our clothes try to bring you closer to the sea even when you are far away from it. We want you to feel the marine breeze, to hear the waves breaking and to relive all those good moments by the sea. Our clothing offers you comfort with its soft and pleasant touch, but what makes them really special are the values with which they are made, and we are sure that you will know how to transmit them.
At ALONGSIDE we care about you as much as we care about the planet. For this reason, we bet on the SLOW FASHION; ethical, sustainable and durable clothing to reduce the impact on the environment. Every detail matters. That's why every decision behind the production process has the purpose of reducing our footprint on the planet, being as respectful as possible.
100% Organic Cotton - GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)

The cotton we use for our clothing is 100% organic cotton. Organic cotton is a natural fibre, without GMOs (no genetic modifications), and requires much less water consumption than conventional cotton. Its production does not require chemical products (neither fertilizers nor pesticides) and favours crop rotation to maintain healthier, more fertile and more humid lands. The waste generated in obtaining organic cotton is destined to the animal feed industry where it is recycled to feed livestock, thus reducing the footprint on the planet.

We are also certified by GOTS (Global Organics Textile Standards) which is the strictest certification for organic fibre textiles. It ensures the traceability of the whole production chain from the cotton fields: the harvest, the manufacturing of the fibres, the assembly of the pieces, the final product before printing, and even the export of our garments.
Recycled Polyester - GRS Certified (Global Recycled Standard)

We use 100% recycled polyester to make our sweaters (15% Polyester, 85% organic cotton). The polyester is obtained from bottles and other plastics, thus contributing to not generating more plastic and giving a second life to single-use plastics. For these cases we have the Global Recycled Standard label which certifies that the materials used are recycled. In the case of our ecological sweaters the polyester is obtained from recycled plastic bottles.
VEGAN - PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Certificate

At ALONGSIDE all our clothing is PETA certified. This means that we do not perform or commission any animal testing on ingredients, formulations or finished products and we promise never to do so. In addition to this, our clothing is made from 100% vegan materials so you can be assured that no one was harmed during its creation.
Ethics - FWF (Fair Wear Foundation)

Our garments are certified by the Fair Wear Foundation. A non-profit organization that works with brands, factories, syndicates, NGOs and governments to guarantee and improve workers' labour conditions.
Here are some tips on how to take care of your clothes when washing them. To make it last longer and at the same time reduce the impact on the environment.
- Wash clothes inside out. This way the garments will look much better for longer.
- Use short programmes, ECO mode or other programmes that reduce water consumption as much as possible. And always use water at 30ºC.
- Wait to fill the washing machine in order to optimise the water we use in each washing machine we put in.
- We advise you to wash your sweaters, as well as other garments that contain polyester in their composition, in a special bag to retain the microfibres that are released during each wash. This will prevent these fibres from ending up in our seas.