As of 06/24/2023 a new reef brings life to the sea
6/24/2023 is not only a day that Irene & Luis will remember all their lives. But also the ocean will be eternally grateful to them. In honor of their wedding, they wanted to have a detail to protect what they both love, the sea. For this reason Irene and Luis have taken the budget they had planned for gifts and have earmarked it to save the reefs.
So, if you are one of their guests, you can feel very proud to be part of this wedding with a positive impact. Thanks to Irene and Luis they have managed to install two nurseries with more than 200 corals to regenerate one of the most important ecosystems of our planet.
If you are also a lover of the sea with the same values as Irene and Luis, we encourage you to contribute your grain of sand by by adopting a coral and helping to protect the oceans.
+ of 200 corals to repopulate reefs
Thanks to the contribution of Irene & Luis we have been able to install two nurseries with more than 200 corals that will give life to new reefs as well as repopulate the most damaged areas.

When Luis and Irene contacted us, they were very clear. They wanted to create the greatest possible impact with the budget they had. With this clear purpose, they have finally installed two nurseries in different areas to diversify and repopulate two areas instead of one. In the nurseries there are several varieties of corals with the aim of creating more complex and richer ecosystems.

Long live the bride and groom!
In my case I started diving for love. I accompanied Luis when he went diving, but I always stayed on land waiting for him. One day I decided to go diving and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Being underwater, noticing how your lungs fill with air, hearing only your breathing and discovering a completely different world.
We are especially excited to help save the reefs on a day as special as our wedding. In this way we want to involve the guests to care for and conserve what we love so much as the ocean.
I have been a diver since I was 14 years old and I have always recognized in me a deep interest and passion for everything that makes up the different marine ecosystems.
Of all these ecosystems the coral reef is the most beautiful, but not only that, it is the most important to us as humans.
These corals are dying because of the increase in water temperature due to climate change. This is why we decided that helping to create new coral reefs was the best way to invest the money for our guests.
A wedding with positive impact
It is increasingly common to find weddings where the bride and groom decide to make a positive impact by contributing to a cause that touches them both. Living a day as special as a wedding is already a wonderful memory. That is why there are more and more brides and grooms like Irene and Luis who decide to allocate the budget of the gift to the guests to a charitable cause.